Upskill (beta)

Verify your skills, learn brand new ones and test your abilities with our learning and assessment platform.

Level up on your own terms

Our Learning Mode is perfect for you if you’d like to try a new skill or technology and want feedback on how to improve. 
Alternatively, our Test Assessments are ideal if you have experience with a particular skill or technology and want to assess your knowledge.

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Showcase your skills

Challenge yourself and learn something new or choose to keep your existing skills up-to-date. You’ll be rewarded with a score that can be added to your hackajob profile, highlighting your achievements to potential employers.


Mateusz Put

Full Stack Java Developer @ BJSS

“The platform makes it really easy to track the progress of all my interviews. My Talent Advocate provided me with lots of insider info to prepare too!”


Get the job you deserve

Learn more about connecting with companies who want to hire you with full transparency, salary upfront.

Our Success Stories

We love to help people find their dream roles, but don’t just take our word for it! Hear from real people who’ve used hackajob to get the job they deserve.

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