
What Do Tech Talent Want in 2023

Ready to find out what the tech talent you’re hiring really want? And, more importantly, how to retain them? We surveyed over 1000 people in tech to understand what truly motivates them to join a new company, with interesting results. Read now.

The Tech Jobs Bubble: Hiring Trends for 2023

Across the hackajob platform, we're seeing a steady increase in the number of tech roles being created across sectors. Find out the latest tech hiring trends in our latest report.

The WFH Effect: How the Pandemic has Changed Employee Experience

9 in 10 disabled workers want to continue working from home, whereas just over 6 in 10 women have felt the brunt from working from home. Clearly, there are discrepancies when it comes to overall employees experience and happiness, but why is this? Find out more in our latest report which examines the ‘work from home effect’ and what this means for your diversity and inclusion efforts.

The Great Disconnect - How Tech Talent & Employers have Never been more Misaligned

According to the latest research, there will be a predicted 45 million working software developers by the year 2030. To echo this trend, organisations are shifting towards hiring technical talent en masse, VS the occasional hire as and when it suits. It is clear that whilst the pandemic first led to a dramatic pause, the time for reflection is over and organisations are now charging to build the digital economy of the future, today.

What do Tech Talent want in 2021?

We’ve surveyed over 1,700+ Developers, Engineers, Data Scientists, Cloud Architects and more to find out what they really want from the hiring process and their jobs in 2021. In this report, we’re sharing our findings, such as why 62% of tech talent want a learning and development budget, as well as practical steps you can take to cater for tech talent in 2021 and beyond.

Designing a Tech Hiring Strategy Post Brexit

Recently, we hosted a workshop at the RL100 Virtual Summit, discussing how we can design a tech hiring strategy post-Brexit. Working with leaders across various sectors, we came up with the core challenges, as well as a strategy to solve these issues. In this guide, we’re sharing our thoughts on how we can design a sustainable sourcing strategy long term.

The blueprint for building a diverse workforce

At hackajob we fundamentally believe that unbiased hiring is one of the key ways companies can address the digital skills gap and drive greater productivity. In this report, we shared our experience from over 4 years of tech hiring and the insight from 1000+ companies.

The Developer Job Satisfaction Survey 2019

We interviewed hundreds of developers, architects and engineers to build a comprehensive snapshot of the things that matter to them. Discover how to attract, nurture and retain outstanding technical talent in this report.

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring in the UK

Featuring everything from advice on reducing cost and time to hire, as well as where to find new talent, we’ve come up with an assortment of advice from some of the very best minds at hackajob HQ and beyond.

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